This year's community curated edition includes a mix of themes featuring Modern Classic Films, an animation, a Maltese Film, and a family-friendly evening. The films will be shown at 9 pm as per the following schedule:
Tuesday 24th May – Little Miss Sunshine
Wednesday 25th May – Simshar
Thursday 26th May – The Matrix
Friday 27th May – La Vita e Bella
Saturday 28th May – The Iron Giant
Inspired by the EU Be Spectactive initiative, the Valletta Cultural Agency invited audience members to become active participants in this film screening event. Volunteers were asked to watch a number of movies falling under different genres from the comfort and safety of their own home, out of which the five films to be screened were selected.
Audiences may enjoy these outdoor screenings free of charge.
Tickets may be collected from the Valletta Cultural Agency in Republic Street, Valletta, against presentation of ID Card. Seating is limited and subject to first-come, first-serve basis. You may also send an email to indicating the film title, name of person reserving the tickets and an ID card number to reserve your seats.