Advertise with us - Malta Baby & Kids

Advertise with us

The Malta Baby & Kids Directory Advertising Rates

For advertising information call Denise on 9945 1690 or get in touch through our contact form.

Each month many opportunities to target your audience at very good rates

Advertising Rates for the website

First position listing: €70 per annum
Stand out from the others by appearing on top of the sub-category page where your company is listed.  This includes an enhanced description and logo image if desired.

Banner advert: €130 per month
Banner on the homepage.

Dedicated Email shot (9,000 subscribed parents): €200

Sponsored Article featured on Homepage Carousel for 1 month: €180 per month

(prices exclude VAT)

Packages at very reasonable prices also available.   For a quote email

E-Mailing Advertising Rates

Each month the newsletter covers a different section from the directory, and a different theme.

We have an extensive database of parents who have requested to receive our e-mailings.

Monthly e-newsletter sponsorship: €130
This includes a vertical banner (118 x 598 pixels) and a news item with thumbnail and 100 words.

E-mailshots: €200
Exclusive E-Mail to database of parents (600 x 800 pixels)

Advertising Terms and Conditions:
All prices exclude 18% VAT.
All advertisements must be paid for in advance.
The Malta Baby & Kids Directory reserves the right to reject, amend, withdraw advertisements.
Advert must be provided to the right dimensions as instructed above. We accept JPEG and GIF files.
We appreciate your co-operation in maintaining the good quality of our product.