Tax Deductions for Children's Cultural & Creative Courses - Malta Baby & Kids

Tax Deductions for Children's Cultural & Creative Courses

Fees paid for Children's Cultural & Creative Courses

If your child is under sixteen years of age you may be entitled to a tax deduction. If the cultural or creative course is registered with the Malta Council for Culture and the Arts you can claim a deduction against your chargeable income for the amount of  fees paid up to a maximum of one hundred Euro. Forms can be downloaded from and  For more information you can contact the Inland Revenue Department on freephone 8007 2297.

Ħlas fuq attivitajiet kulturali u kreattivi – Tnaqqis tat-Taxxa

Jekk it-tfal tiegħek huma taħt is-sittax-il sena, tista' tkun intitolat għal tnaqqis fit-taxxa. Jekk l-entità kulturali u kreattiva li fiha jattendu t-tfal hija rreġistrata mal-Malta Council for Culture and the Arts, int tista' tingħata tnaqqis fuq il-qliegħ taxxabbli fuq il-ħlasijiet imħallsa sa massimu ta' mitt Ewro. Il-formoli jistgħu jiġu mniżżla minn u Għal aktar informazzjoni tista' ċċempel lid-Dipartiment tat-Taxxi Interni fuq freephone 8007 2297.