Pharmacies - Late Opening Archives - Malta Baby & Kids

Pharmacies - Late Opening

Discover all about Late Opening Pharmacies in Malta. On Sundays and public holidays there is always a pharmacy open in every locality throughout Malta & Gozo. Information about which pharmacies open on these days is available at

Airport Pharmacy

Address: Malta International Airport,
Arrivals Lounge
Locality: Luqa
Tel: 2369 6349
Open Mon-Sun 8am-10pm.

Castle Pharmacy

Address: 2, Pjazza Indipendenza
Locality: Rabat, Gozo
Tel: 2155 6970
Opening times 7.30am-9pm

Mater Dei Hospital Pharmacy

Address: Level 0, Mater Dei Hospital,
Locality: Msida
Tel: 2545 6535
Available until 2pm only for medicines which are out of stock in local pharmacies. Prescription must be signed by two pharmacists in different localities that medication is unavailable.

Medicaid Pharmacy & Opticians

Address: 62, Vjal it-Torri, Gudja
Tel: 2167 6294 / 2767 6294
Open Mon-Fi 8am-9pm & Sat 8am-7pm.

Milia's Pharmacy
Locality: Multiple outlets - extended opening hours

Milia's Pharmacy Birgu open 7.30 to 21.30,
Milia's Pharmacy Marsascala open 8.00 to 21.00
Milia's Pharmacy Zurrieq open 7.30 to 21.00
Sonren byMilia's Tarxien 7.30 to 21.00

Pharmacy Roster – Sundays & Public Holidays
Remedies Pharmacy Drive Thru

Address: Campus Hub
University of Malta
Locality: Tal-Qroqq, L-Imsida
Tel: 2397 6680
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 7 am–10.30pm; Saturday 8 am–10.30pm; Sunday By Roster; Drive Thru: Monday - Saturday 6-midnight

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