Heritage Malta will be opening two of its sites for free to the public on Monday, 19 March, a public holiday. The sites are Ghar Dalam in Birzebbuga, and the Domvs Romana in Rabat, which on the day will also be celebrating the feast of St Joseph. Apart from free admission to these sites, visitors will also have the opportunity to participate in free tours of the sites. Tours of Ghar Dalam will be conducted by an actor interpreting the historical figure of Giuseppe Despott, an early 20th century natural scientist and the first museum curator of Natural History in Malta, and of Ghar Dalam. Tours start at 11am, and 1 and 3pm. At the Domvs Romana, tours in Maltese will commence at 10.30am and 2.30pm.
Doors will be open from 9am to 5pm, with last admission at 4.30pm. For more information, call Heritage Malta on 2295-4000.