The seven sections of the Holy Week A series of walk-through emotive and devotional exhibitions artistically presented with 30 life-size statues, audio-visual effects and informative commentaries (in English and Maltese) that turn the visit into an educational/cultural/religious experience. This year a new section is being added showing a short film of the 1928 Good Friday Procession in Å»ebbuÄ¡. The exhibition comprises: The Last Supper (set in an renovated underground vault); The Crucifixion; The Burial of Christ (set in an underground war shelter hewn out of solid live rock). The above three sections are depicted with lifesize statues by artist Alfred Camilleri Cauchi. A set of small ‘Vari’;
a set of 10 original Via Crucis scenes (alto-reliefs by Antonio Mifsud); The Resurrection of Christ (audio-visual); The 1928 Good Friday procession in Zebbug (film).
Venue: St Philip Band Club, 12 St. Philip Square, Zebbug, Malta.
Opening hours: 10.00 and 12.00 hrs and again from 18.00 till 22.00 (till 23:00 on Maundy Thursday). On Good Friday it will open from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 22:00. Special arrangements can be made for groups by calling the undersigned on 99838806.