If your child is under sixteen years of age you may be entitled to a tax deduction. If the sports activity entity your child attends is registered with the Malta Sports Council you can claim a deduction against your chargeable income for the amount of fees paid up to a maximum of one hundred Euro. Forms can be downloaded from www.ird.gov.mt an www.sportmalta.org.mt or collected from Cottonera, Marsa and Tal-Qroqq Sports Complexes.
Ħlas fuq attivitajiet sportivi – Tnaqqies tat-Taxxa Jekk it-tfal tiegħek huma taħt is-sittax-il sena, tista' tkun intitolat għall-tnaqqis fit-taxxa. Jekk l-entita' sportiva li fiha jattendu t-tfal hija irreġistrata mal-Kunsill Malti għall-Isport, int tista' tingħata tnaqqis fuq il-qliegħ taxxabli fuq il-ħlasijiet imħallsa sa massimu ta' mitt Ewro. Il-formoli jistgħu jiġu mniżżla minn www.ird.gov.mt u www.sportmalta.org.mt jew inkella jinġabru mill-Kumplessi Sportivi tal-Kottonera, tal-Marsa u tal-Qroqq.
The Inland Revenue Department has recently issued a booklet outlining various deductions of fees paid in relation to:
- School fees paid to private independent schools and/or kindergarten centres
- Fees payable for the services of a facilitator
- Fees paid for child-care services
- Fees paid for sport activities
To check whether your school and/or childcare centre are registered and to see if you are entitled to the above deductions, phone IRD Call Centre, Tel: 2296 2296 or Freephone: 8007 2297 or visit website http://www.ird.gov.mt
Id-dipartiment tat-taxxi nterni, reċentament ħareġ ktejjeb li juri it-tnaqqis ta' ċerti miżati mħallsa li huma relatati ma':
- Miżati ta' skejjel imħallsa lil skejjel indipendenti u/jew Kindergarten centres
- Miżati mħallsa għas-servizzi ta' facilitator
- Miżati mħallsa għal servizzi ta' child-care
- Miżati mħallsa ghal għal attivitajiet ta' sport
Biex tiċċekkja jekk l-iskola jew childcare centre tiegħek hijiex irreġistrata u biex tara jekk intix eliġibbli ghal għal dan it-tnaqqis, ċempel IRD Call Centre, Tel: 2296 2296 jew Freephone: 8007 2297 jew żur is-sit http://www.ird.gov.mt
Malta Sports Scholarships were launched for persons wishing to specialise in training in a sports discipline or academically in a subject related to sports. Everyone can apply for the scholarships, including young persons. Where a child still attends obligatory education, they have to make separate arrangements to continue with their schooling in a school in the country where they would be studying or training. Application forms may be downloaded from www.sportmalta.org.mt or an email sent on sportsscholarships.mede@gov.mt
Malta Sports Scholarships gew imnedijja għal persuni li jixtiequ jispeċjalizzaw fit-taħriġ f'xi dixxiplina sportiva jew akkademikament f'suġġett relatat mal-isports. Kulħadd jista ' japplika għall-boroż ta' studju, inklużi persuni żgħażagħ. Fejn wild għadu jattendi edukazzjoni obbligatorja, huma għandhom jagħmlu arranġamenti separati biex ikomplu bl-edukazzjoni tagħhom fi skola fil-pajjiż fejn huma jkunu ser jistudjaw jew jitħarrġu. Formoli tal-applikazzjoni jistgħu jitniżżlu minn www.sportmalta.org.mt jew tista' tibghat tibgħat email fuq sportsscholarships.mede @ gov.mt