Magazine Sunday Trends dated March 2018
Eye Spy section of Times of Malta, 11 July 2018

The Malta Independent on Sunday, 8 July 2018

Newsbook, 3 July 2018

The Sunday Times of Malta, 6 May 2018

Eye Spy supplement of Times of Malta, 2nd May 2018
The Sunday Times of Malta, 18 February 2018

Times of Malta, 3 December 2017

Times of Malta, 5 November 2017
Time of Malta, 27 August, 2017
SundayTimes of Malta, 23 July, 2017
The Sunday Times of Malta
The Sunday Times of Malta
MaltaToday, 2 July, 2017
Eye Spy, Times of Malta, 19 April, 2017
Times of Malta, 26 March, 2017.
The Malta Independent on Sunday, 2 April 2017.
The Sunday Times of Malta, 12March17.
TVM portal, 10March17
TVM portal, 10March17v
Newsbook Portal, 22Nov16
Eye Spy section of Time of Malta, 23Nov16.
TVM portal, 26Oct16
Times Of Malta, Sunday, October 30, 2016
Young creativity found inspiring
An overwhelming response to Malta Baby & Kids Directory’s 10-year anniversary competition, themed ‘Malta in Minecraft’, made the work of judges at EasyPeasy Coding much easier. This one-of-a-kind contest, aimed to encourage youngsters residing locally to create a typical Maltese landscape in the style of this online game, was received with enthusiasm.
The competition was intended to bring out the creativity in children, while inspiring patriotic sentiments as they racked their brains to come up with an original entry to trump the rest.
The judges were impressed by the high standard of quality. Parents reached out through Malta Baby & Kids Directory’s social media to express their gratitude at this opportunity. Children put their heart and soul into creating their entries – and their effort did not go unnoticed.
Bagging first prize, with an inspirational rendition of the Mosta Dome, seven-year-old Matteo Spiteri won a complete Raspberry Pi 3 kit worth €80. Vincent Leone Ganado, 12, whose entry of Mdina Piazza by night came in second place, won an Ozobot Robot. Tied in second place, Zach Ellul Robson, 11, also won an Ozobot Robot for his video entry of the Mosta church.
The most suitable entry of the Mosta domed church will be recreated on a 3D printer, thanks to Thought 3D, which Tristan Zammit, 12, will be given to take home as a keepsake. The runners-up were given Minecraft accounts and vouchers to attend EasyPeasy Coding courses, which aim to encourage parents to interact with their children on an increasingly popular virtual platform.
Times of Malta, Eye Spy supplement, 21st September 2016
The Sunday Times of Malta 18th September 2016
13th September,
Sam Casey t’għaxar snin minn San Ġwann hija r-rebbieħa ta’ borża ta’ studju ta’ żewġ termini fl-iSchool of Performing Arts f’dixxiplina tal-għażla tagħha.
Din l-iskola hi sinonima mal-eċċellenza fl-istandards u fil-firxa wiesgħa ta’ korsijiet li toffri, minn mużika, sa żfin, drama u kant.
Fis-sottomissjoni tagħha fl-aħħar kompetizzjoni għall-Malta Baby & Kids Show Talent tat-tfal, Sam uriet it-talent tagħha fl-arti.
Il-kompetizzjoni kienet miftuħa għat-tfal kollha ta’ bejn 3 u 14-il sena u kienet miftuħa tul Awwissu kollu bil-għan li tinkoraġixxi tfal f’Malta irabbu kunfidenza fil-ħiliet artistiċi tagħhom.
Il-parteċipanti ntalbu jissottomettu vidjow qasir ta’ ħila waħda tagħhom. Il-vidjows ittellgħu fuq il-paġna Facebook u fil-YouTube Channel ta’ biex il-pubbliku seta’ jgħaddi l-ġudizzju tiegħu.
2nd August, Times of Malta
3rd August, Eye Spy section of Times of Malta
31st July 2016, The Malta Independent on Sunday
25th July 2016, Newsbook
24th July 2016, The Sunday Times Of Malta
19th July 2016, Malta Today
19th July 2016, Newsbook
19th July 2016, Illum
16th July 2016, Times of Malta
10th July 2016, The Sunday Times of Malta
10th July 2016, The Malta Independent on Sunday
8th July 2016, Newsbook
7th July 2016, Illum
6th July 2016, Eye Spy section of Times of Malta
3rd April, The Sunday Times of Malta
3rd April, Malta Today
3rd April, The Malta Independent
27th March, Pink magazine
04th March, Newsbook
Thursday 03rd March, Malta Star, 2016
Wednesday 02nd March, Eye Spy section of Times of Malta
Sunday 28th February, Malta Today
Friday 26th February, Malta Today on-line
Friday 26th February, TVM portalc
Wednesday 29th July, The Times of Malta, Junior News.
Sunday 12th July, The Sunday Times of Malta
Sunday 12th July, The Malta Independent on Sunday
Sunday 12th July, Malta Today,
Sunday 12th July, Times Of Malta portal
Wednesday 8th July TVM portal
Tuesday 7th July, 2015 Malta Today portal, Business News section
Monday 18th May The Malta Independent
Sunday 17th May The Sunday Times of Malta
Sunday 17th May, The Malta Independent on Sunday
Wednesday 6th May Times of Malta Junior News:
Monday 4th May on T.V.M.’s on-line portal:
Thursday 30th April on Malta Today’s on-lin portal
Wednesday 15th April in Times of Malta Junior News
Sunday 12th April in Malta Today
Sunday 12th of April, 2015 in The Malta Independent on Sunday
Wednesday 4th of March, 2015 in L-Orizzont
iNews on-line portal Tuesday 3rd March,2015
Malta Today on-line portal Tuesday 3rd March,2015
Sunday 8th February The Independent on Sunday
Sunday 01st February The Sunday Times of Malta
Sunday 26th October The Sunday Times of Malta
Sunday 26th October The Malta Independent on Sunday
Thursday 16th October Malta Business Weekly
Wednesday 27th August Junior News Times of Malta
17/08/2014 The Sunday Circle - The Sunday Times magazine
The Gwida magazine
The Times of Malta
Junior News
The Times of Malta
Junior News
The Sunday Times
20/07/2014 The Malta Independant
17/07/2014 The Malta Independant
10/07/2014 Malta Today
08/09/2013 - Torca
22/05/2013 - The Times
17/05/2013 - Times of Malta
05/2013 - Pink
26/04/2013 - TVHemm
Here is the video of the TVHemm TV show where last year’s winners of the Best Mum & Dad Awards were interviewed.
Discover their stories!
24/04/2013 - The times / Junior News
14/04/2013 - The Sunday Times
04/2013 - Pink
03/2013 - Pink
05/07/2012 - The Malta Business Weekly
08/07/2012 - The Malta Independant
17/07/2012 - The Malta Independant
29/07/2012 - Malta Today
29/07/2012 - Sunday Times