A few of our families would like to share their experiences with you! Check out our testimonials below!
May I take this opportunity to commend you and your team on your top-notch website which I will surely continue to use and recommend to others!
Dorothy Patrino
What a wonderful idea- truly lovely and commendable to provide such a useful website for parents. I was searching for a good party venue and found a good list on your website and thank you for this, as I was struggling to find a good venue and there were a few I didn't know about, so you saved me a huge hassle! I was at my wits end, but now at the touch of a button, I see the light!
Dear Maltababyandkids Team….. well done on an excellent website in sync with parenting and everything that goes into raising kids! Can't help but be impressed with the format and the article geared at parents for creating intimate moments for when the kids are at home ( a very realistic challenge!) And I admire your honesty!
I encourage you to continue providing an excellent and informative read for parents! Incidentally, I got to access your site last winter when I was abroad in Luxembourg. So it's also helpful for parents abroad! The beauty of internet!
That is another prosit to you guys at Maltababyandkids! You make opportunities like this possible as you realize the amazing benefit they have on kids. Hope you have similar future sponsors!
About our Autumn 2020 competition in collaboration with Helen O'Grady Academy
During these difficult times it is mentally taxing to stay sane in a house with two young kids and dealing with homework, work and chores. Your website has offered a welcome respite – it is a fantastic source of ideas which kept us busy. We learnt to appreciate our family time with the help of your helpful articles in your website. Very creative and original. You must be proud of yourselves to adapt your website to these challenging times, when others have let the situation get the better of themselves. Your competition is another fantastic idea to keep the kids happy and the adults sane.
Hey guys! Just checking out your cool website. I must say that I am impressed with this easy to use , informative, concise website. I was searching for info and your website had the best up-to-date info and thus saved me tons of frustration and hassle. Can't thank you enough as other websites quoted contacts which are no longer used and I was at my wits end receiving emails that the emails used were no longer valid. Then I found the correct contacts on your website so you saved my day , and my sanity!
This website is proof beyond any doubt that there are very talented and dedicated people out there with a serious mission to educate and provide practical information to anyone involved in raising kids and it is evident that these people are doing so because they believe that a good childhood raises strong adults with strong objectives. Thank you for your service to us parents.
Thanks for the well presented, colourful, practical and up to date website. We planned our son's party using the information we found on the website. Also when we wanted to check out sports venues options it was just at the touch of a button away, just like the many other child related issues/queries that we had.This is an educational website for parents! For once the practical hurdles of finding information for each stage of our children's progress is just at the touch of a button away! It's also fantastic how you involve children in the designing of this publication- it is creative!
Hi Guys, Hey what a great site you have compiled here. I recommend it as it is user friendly and the guys behind it know their stuff. It' s refreshing to find a very interesting site aimed at helping parents guardians to raise children. I was really impressed with the article on the Sea Cadets as I did not know about this youth organization and had it not been for this website I probably would not have either. I will definitely be looking into this for my daughter so thanks for the idea! It is great to know that your website gives exposure for these voluntary organizations because of the great character formation our youths experience when they participate. Also, anyone who is raising a teenager knows that these organizations are necessary for them to develop into strong and mature adults and to socialize with youths with a good character. I also read your article on the 'Wave of Change' and this too is a great initiative to help young people respect our environment. So you see, this is a lively and fun website whilst being practical "
Dear Malta Baby and Kids Directory Team, I am very impressed by your well-presented, original and useful website. The internet is a powerful tool these days, and I, like many others, rely on it as the main source of information on the hectic world out there. May I take this opportunity to tell you how useful your fun website is. Thank you for making life just a bit easier for busy parents. We sometimes get caught up with our hectic lifestyles and don't have time to search well for quality. Your website has provided the best of the best at our fingertips and for this, I am grateful. I have found the sports activities section extremely helpful since I wanted to find a sports venue for my kids nearby. My colleagues and I were also looking for a gift for a colleague who had a baby and I found the right gift by using your parties section, under 'Baby Showers'. May I also take this opportunity to thank you for providing children with a creative platform to show their talents, which I think is beneficial for the deve lopment of their creativity and self-esteem. By the way, the pet entries for your competition were very cute and you must have had a hard time of it in choosing the winner! Finally, I wish you all many more years of success as the leading parenting experts on the Islands!
Hi All! I've been going through your cool website and it's impressive how well together it is. This is a great tool to have if you're either a parent or involved in rearing or caring for children. I've visited this site almost every day for the past month since my friend told me about it. I congratulate you on this ingenious idea as it helps parents, children, educators and also business owners. By putting the welfare of children first you have also put all concerned in their welfare first. Thumbs up to you All! I love your entries for the front cover competition: very adorable entries.
Hey guys! Great website you have going on line! I was referred to you by friends of mine about six months ago and it has proved to be a very useful tool. This is a fantastic and creative website to inspire parents and child carers to be better role models. Through fun activities with our kids we help them to bring out their potential and strengthen their characters so making better role models is vital for today's ever-changing and pressure-loaded society. This website is a pool of on-going ideas to make child rearing a fun and enjoyable experience for all concerned. I have never found this website to be lacking in originality : I have always found something, however trivial, of interest. In fact, I enjoy planning our family outings and school breaks by visiting your website.
I am Rita Antoinette Borg, children's writer, storyteller and Creative Writing teacher. I've been thinking how to get my author name out to the mothers of Malta without spending too much money. When I received an email newsletter from Malta Baby and Kids, I decided to run a small ad in it. It worked. I have seen a large increase in both phone inquiries and sales, which has given me more name-recognition and more book selling and storytelling sessions. Give Malta Baby and kids (and ME!) a try. You'll be glad you did.
I would like to thank you all for the positive portrayal of parenthood your website presents. It's not easy being a parent today. There are new challenges everyday as our childhoods were much simpler (or so we like to remember) and children today are growing up too fast. That's why the great ideas presented in your website give parents inspiration to make free time and holidays true quality time. In our fast-paced rat-race that has become our life, its good to see that a group of hard working people have banded together to create a website that helps unite families with fresh ideas of how to spend great moments together that all family members can treasure for years to come. We look forward to the events listed in 'What's On for Kids'as we can plan ahead. We have found your website to be very up to-date and interesting: its vibrant because of the hard work behind it
This publication keeps getting better and better as more companies, educational facilities, parents, teachers, retailers and any other professional person who is concerned in any way with the rearing, education or health care of a child will tell you. I myself have gotten to know about this Directory through word of mouth, which is sometimes the best form of advertising as others tell you their positive experiences. I tried to find out information regarding health issues for children. My wife and I were impressed on the easily-obtained references. Since these featured on such a well-maintained and up-to-date website, we could rely on the sources for health care, This is a very useful, and expertl y managed website and we recommend it to all parents or child carers. Keep up the excellent commitment as you are providing a service to all sectors of the community concerned with child welfare.
Dear Malta Baby and Kids Crew!! What a colourful, vibrant and great site! So refreshing and easy to find information. I was looking for pregnancy and birth related information for my daughter and your website came up. Great and useful tips, by the way! I think that this website will prove to be very useful and its one of its kind. The free copy at hospital is definitely a bonus for mums-to-be. Keep up the excellent work : I'm sure its appreciated by parents and grandparents in Malta.
What a fantastic website!! Really cool presentation and great information at your finger tips. I was browsing through the internet for information on childcare and I found your website very user friendly. I will definitely be visiting this website in the near future. I like the way the sections are divided – it is very practical for busy parents. Also, I like the way the information presented is geared at the whole family and not just aimed at addressing women. Both parents pay an active role in rearing children these days especially when both parents work. Your approach is very refreshing and positive.
Dear Malta Baby and Kids Crew! I would like to tell you how come I have become a regular visitor to your website. I was browsing through the internet for information on childcare and local schools about a year ago. The website came up. Another time, I wanted ideas on possible outings. A friend of mine suggested your website. Yet again, last month, I wanted ideas on kids parties for my four year old. I searched on the internet, and hey presto! your website came up !! If this is not proof that your website is practical and indispensable, then, I don't know what is!! Everyone knows that being a parent is possibly the most difficult thing you can do but your website provides good, sensible advice and references that take the pressure off a parent's shoulders. So, yes, next time I will be the one who will pass off my good fortune at having found your website to a friend. You asked: Where is Popeye Village located? My answer: Popeye Village is located in Anchor Bay, Triq il-Prajjiet, Mellieha. (I accessed your link to the Popeye Village website for this info. That's how convenient it is – everything at your finger tips!!) Popeye's Village Malta, Anchor Bay was the perfect location for the construction of Popeye the movie where back in 1979, a huge filming project was event. I wish you all the best of success in the future, and I am sure you are proud of your hard work.
Dear Editor, I've just got to know about this website. This is great! As a new mum-to-be I was given the colourful magazine at Mater Dei. Great idea! I am sure parents in Malta appreciate the effort that has been put into such a handy reference book. I was impressed that you covered every territory and its made me think about the journey of parenthood that we are about to embark on. It makes you think 'why hasn't anyone thought about this before?' yet you appreciate the hard work that goes behind this pocket-dictionary on being a parent in Malta! I didn't realise that there were so many aspects of parenting until I leafed through this book. Great presentation – I love the cover!! A big prosit to Lisa Grech, Denise Briffa and Crysta Darmanin for the excellent work put in!! Thanks
Thanks for the fantastic website! It is obvious that a lot of hard work goes behind the scenes. I've accessed other websites recently but this one is the most up-to-date, uder friendly and informative one. The fact that you update regularly makes it more reliable and credible
May I take this opportunity to thank you all for providing a fantastic website for parents and all those great activities and opportunities for children to be creative and express themselves. Your wesbite helps us to make our children's childhood more memorable
Dear editor, This is the first time that I have accessed your directory. I came across it by chance when I was searching for a list of Church schools in Malta. May I say that I am impressed by the thoroughness of your well-presented site. Apart from being user-friendly, this website reflects the best qualities of our local products: it is honest, lively, professional interesting and generous in its provision of information. Keep up the excellent work! I will definitely visit this website again. This site is an excellent source for the promotion of Malta and the Maltese. Thanks for providing this site for all families living in Malta and Gozo
I just discovered your directory through a friend. Thank you for the initiative to compile such a useful directory, especially in today's busy and hectic life. It's great that parents and guardians can seek information and advice in a comprehensive guide, intelligently put together. I also appreciate that you take the initiative to present the on-going activities on a regular basis as sometimes there are new events that not everyone is aware of. Finding something different to do, especially in the holidays, is always a headache for parents and its simply genius and a help to present these in your website. Keep up the good work!
The Malta Kids Directory is the perfect parents handbook just waiting for you to open it up and take a look……. From conception, birth, school age to the teenage years this useful guide will dispel your parenting fears. With advice on childcare, activities, health and choosing the right school this compact guide is an indispensible family tool! So pick up a copy and don't hesitate to explore how parenting can be a thrilling journey that you'll adore! Keep up the excellent work in producing an excellent and informative website and publication!!!
Dear Editor, First of all, I must congratulate you on your fantastic new publication which I believe will as useful to all the new parents who are expecting their first child as it was for us when we were expecting ours. The issue of this helpful guide is a god-send to all new parents entering the new and challenging task of parenthood. Keep up the great work!
I'm a mother of 2 kids, a boy of 6 years old and a girl of 9 months. I like Maltababyandkids website as it keeps me updated with curriculum for my kids, party venues, sports and much more.
Thanks for the fun initiatives that your fantastic directory organizes for families as it really makes our quality time more enjoyable!
This is a special edition which every family should own as it is an attractive encyclopedia of information about the most valuable treasures in our lives – our children!
We would like to thank you for offering such a lovely learning experience to our children. Clearly learning through the arts is an invaluable experience.
We, as a family, appreciate the directory, competitions and all the "fun" you provide. My grandkids entered the painting competition and now they are all agog to see who the winners are going to be. I am retired art teacher so I encourage them a lot. We discuss ideas but I want to see what they themselves com up with at the end.
Awesome website with lots of email addresses of clinics and doctors…
Loving the new updated listing- thank you so much! Since listing yesterday in other sections I had two enquiries
Well done for your site Thank you find all you need for kids in it.
Prosit for the dedication and effort you have put into making this website an excellent and fun tool for all members of the family!
May I take this opportunity to thank you for the really interesting and well-presented website that you so carefully prepare. We have found this website to be very useful
Having first visited Malta in 2014 with my husband, this summer we plan to come back with the kids Your site seems to be perfect for planning our stay!
Well done to the team. Your site offers parenting tips & helps you get best products for your baby/toddler.The section of 'what's on for kids' is what I look for most. well done again
We at Marks and Spencer Malta selected the Baby and Kids directory to advertise a new range of baby food, in the knowledge that we would certainly reach our target audience. We were very happy with the professionlism of the company and the quality of the printed directory. The rates were very reasonable for the space given
The directory was a huge help as it allowed me to find contact nos and useful info on some places I like to buy from. It also helped me become aware of various businesses that i hadnt known of or bought from before
It's a very helpful directory that I find everything in- in a short amount of time
The directory is a good way to find information to give my loved one the best activities and inform me about places where I can shop!
I buy Malta Baby and Kids Directory annually. First and foremost I buy it because this directory supports charity events. Secondly its a must have directory for all parents! This directory makes our lives easier for organizing a party or going out with the family ( activities) etc.. And so on… Keep up your great work! ???? One of a kind directory!
Being the first time becoming a mum, I didn't know what I need to as for hospital list, there was everything in the directory…And apart from being a directory, it has pages full of information, which are a must read, especially for new parents like me
Your site has helped me to organize activities and places to go with my children over the holidays and also some good clothes shops for kids clothing
The Directory help me find almost anything for kids and family: clothing, baby furniture, health and safety products, activities and much more ..Thank you
it has helped me in many ways- clothes, pushchair, highchair- very helpful and informative
I needed contact numbers of some clothes shop and the Malta and Kids Directory made it easy for me
Helped me to organise my children's activities and parties without having to leave my house
Thank you for the lovely experience you are offering our children through such initiatives!
We thank you because through this he really understood what multicultural means . And for him it is very important as he meets boys coming from various cultures
My listing within The Malta Baby & Kids Directory has attracted many enquiries into my Athletics for kids training sessions, and I have found that the exposure to such a targeted market a very lucrative marketing tool, as often the parents themselves also ask after my gymnasium facilities
I find The Malta Baby and Kids directory honest, handy, well informed and easy to use. It's written by busy parents for busy parents (and grandparents) which makes it even more attractive to a working mum of three kids like myself. Whenever I tried its suggestions they've always been spot on
Malta Baby & Kids Directory has helped me to maximize on time by finding all the information I need in one place, with the piece of mind that what and where I choose is tried and tested by other parents. It has helped when we have been at a loss where to go and what to do, all we had and have to do is open the directory and we are sorted!
Thanks a lot for your email and for giving us the opportunity to take part in such competitions in your e-newsletter, which is very informative
Its my one stop to everything I want to know
The availability of such a vast array of goods and services is a great time-saver. The knowledge, that only the best quality is promoted, puts the parents' mind at rest when relying on the Directory. The promotion of good role-models adds further to the publication. As such as informative resource, the Malta Baby & Kids Directory would make an appreciated gift for parents and parents-to-be
The Directory is an invaluable resource for both Maltese residents and newcomers to the Islands. The breadth of information is astounding
I have read with much interest the numerous articles and sections in the Malta Baby and Kids Directory and I would like to congratulate you as I have found them very informative
I think it is fantastic. A big well done for a truly thorough and professional job.
As always very well done for the priceless info you supply us with
Just to say thank you for all the interesting info you send in your monthly newsletter. Well done and keep it up
I would like to congratulate you on the very useful Baby & Kids Directory you produce
Just picked up your directory from Mothercare. It's great and so practical.
First of all I would like to congratulate you on your Malta Baby and Kids Directory. I just find the directory and newsletter so useful when coming to organise extracurricular activities, parties and planning for weekend activities.
I have a number of people joining thanks to the advert…
Well done for a wonderful read and great information!
I think it is quite eye catching and practical to use. Thanks to the team
I simply love it! It's most pleasurable to look at, bright and colourful but most importantly, it's simple and helpful to navigate through it. Keep up the good work!
My first child is only 1 year and 6 months so when I was introduced to your website and directory I couldn't put it down. I put book marks on my favourite pages and keep going back to it to refer. When my husband has a day off I resort to the website to see where we can plan our days out and any ideas there are, they have always been a big success. Thank you for saving me so much time which I can spend with my son.
Dear Malta Baby and Kids Directory Team, I am very impressed by your well-presented, original and useful website. The internet is a powerful tool these days, and I, like many others, rely on it as the main source of information on the hectic world out there. May I take this opportunity to tell you how useful your fun website is. Thank you for making life just a bit easier for busy parents. We sometimes get caught up with our hectic lifestyles and don't have time to search well for quality. Your website has provided the best of the best at our fingertips and for this, I am grateful. I have found the sports activities section extremely helpful since I wanted to find a sports venue for my kids nearby. My colleagues and I were also looking for a gift for a colleague who had a baby and I found the right gift by using your parties section, under 'Baby Showers'. May I also take this opportunity to thank you for providing children with a creative platform to show their talents, which I think is beneficial for the deve lopment of their creativity and self-esteem. By the way, the pet entries for your competition were very cute and you must have had a hard time of it in choosing the winner! Finally, I wish you all many more years of success as the leading parenting experts on the Islands!
Leave a Review
Dear Malta Baby and Kids Directory Team, I am very impressed by your well-presented, original and useful website. The internet is a powerful tool these days, and I, like many others, rely on it as the main source of information on the hectic world out there. May I take this opportunity to tell you how useful your fun website is. Thank you for making life just a bit easier for busy parents. We sometimes get caught up with our hectic lifestyles and don't have time to search well for quality. Your website has provided the best of the best at our fingertips and for this, I am grateful. I have found the sports activities section extremely helpful since I wanted to find a sports venue for my kids nearby. My colleagues and I were also looking for a gift for a colleague who had a baby and I found the right gift by using your parties section, under 'Baby Showers'. May I also take this opportunity to thank you for providing children with a creative platform to show their talents, which I think is beneficial for the development of their creativity and self-esteem. By the way, the pet entries for your competition were very cute and you must have had a hard time of it in choosing the winner! Finally, I wish you all many more years of success as the leading parenting experts on the Islands! I would like to take part in your competition. You asked: What edition of The Malta Baby & Kids Directory is about to be published? My Answer: On 27th June, the 12th edition of Malta's essential reference guide for parents will be launched.
My first child is only 1 year and 6 months so when I was introduced to your website and directory I couldn't put it down. I put book marks on my favourite pages and keep going back to it to refer. When my husband has a day off I resort to the website to see where we can plan our days out and any ideas there are, they have always been a big success. Thank you for saving me so much time which I can spend with my son
"I simply love it! It's most pleasurable to look at, bright and colourful but most importantly, it's simple and helpful to navigate through it. Keep up the good work!"
I think it is quite eye catching and practical to use. Thanks to the team
Well done for a wonderful read and great information!
I have a number of people joining thanks to the advert…
First of all I would like to congratulate you on your Malta Baby and Kids Directory. I just find the directory and newsletter so useful when coming to organise extracurricular activities, parties and planning for weekend activities
Just picked up your directory from Mothercare. It's great and so practical.
"I would like to congratulate you on the very useful Baby & Kids Directory you produce
Just to say thank you for all the interesting info you send in your monthly newsletter. Well done and keep it up
As always very well done for the priceless info you supply us with
I think it is fantastic. A big well done for a truly thorough and professional job
I have read with much interest the numerous articles and sections in the Malta Baby and Kids Directory and I would like to congratulate you as I have found them very informative
The Directory is an invaluable resource for both Maltese residents and newcomers to the Islands. The breadth of information is astounding
The availability of such a vast array of goods and services is a great time-saver. The knowledge, that only the best quality is promoted, puts the parents' mind at rest when relying on the Directory. The promotion of good role-models adds further to the publication. As such as informative resource, the Malta Baby & Kids Directory would make an appreciated gift for parents and parents-to-be
"Its my one stop to everything I want to know"
Thanks a lot for your email and for giving us the opportunity to take part in such competitions in your e-newsletter, which is very informative
Malta Baby & Kids Directory has helped me to maximize on time by finding all the information I need in one place, with the piece of mind that what and where I choose is tried and tested by other parents. It has helped when we have been at a loss where to go and what to do, all we had and have to do is open the directory and we are sorted!
I find The Malta Baby and Kids directory honest, handy, well informed and easy to use. It's written by busy parents for busy parents (and grandparents) which makes it even more attractive to a working mum of three kids like myself. Whenever I tried its suggestions they've always been spot on
My listing within The Malta Baby & Kids Directory has attracted many enquiries into my Athletics for kids training sessions, and I have found that the exposure to such a targeted market a very lucrative marketing tool, as often the parents themselves also ask after my gymnasium facilities
We thank you because through this he really understood what multicultural means . And for him it is very important as he meets boys coming from various cultures'
Thank you for the lovely experience you are offering our children through such initiatives!
Helped me to organise my children's activities and parties without having to leave my house
I needed contact numbers of some clothes shop and the Malta and Kids Directory made it easy for me
it has helped me in many ways- clothes, pushchair, highchair- very helpful and informative
The Directory help me find almost anything for kids and family: clothing, baby furniture, health and safety products, activities and much more ..Thank you
Your site has helped me to organize activities and places to go with my children over the holidays and also some good clothes shops for kids clothing
Being the first time becoming a mum, I didn't know what I need to as for hospital list, there was everything in the directory…And apart from being a directory, it has pages full of information, which are a must read, especially for new parents like me
The directory is a good way to find information to give my loved one the best activities and inform me about places where I can shop!
It's a very helpful directory that I find everything in- in a short amount of time
The directory was a huge help as it allowed me to find contact nos and useful info on some places I like to buy from. It also helped me become aware of various businesses that i hadnt known of or bought from before
We at Marks and Spencer Malta selected the Baby and Kids directory to advertise a new range of baby food, in the knowledge that we would certainly reach our target audience. We were very happy with the professionlism of the company and the quality of the printed directory. The rates were very reasonable for the space given
Well done to the team. Your site offers parenting tips & helps you get best products for your baby/toddler.The section of 'what's on for kids' is what I look for most. well done again
Having first visited Malta in 2014 with my husband, this summer we plan to come back with the kids Your site seems to be perfect for planning our stay!
May I take this opportunity to thank you for the really interesting and well-presented website that you so carefully prepare. We have found this website to be very useful.
Prosit for the dedication and effort you have put into making this website an excellent and fun tool for all members of the family!
Well done for your site Thank you find all you need for kids in it.
Loving the new updated listing- thank you so much! Since listing yesterday in other sections I had two enquiries
Awesome website with lots of email addresses of clinics and doctors..
We, as a family, appreciate the directory, competitions and all the "fun" you provide. My grandkids entered the painting competition and now they are all agog to see who the winners are going to be. I am retired art teacher so I encourage them a lot. We discuss ideas but I want to see what they themselves com up with at the end.
We would like to thank you for offering such a lovely learning experience to our children. Clearly learning through the arts is an invaluable experience.
This is a special edition which every family should own as it is an attractive encyclopedia of information about the most valuable treasures in our lives – our children!
Thanks for the fun initiatives that your fantastic directory organizes for families as it really makes our quality time more enjoyable!
I'm a mother of 2 kids, a boy of 6 years old and a girl of 9 months. I like Maltababyandkids website as it keeps me updated with curriculum for my kids, party venues, sports and much more
Dear Editor, First of all, I must congratulate you on your fantastic new publication which I believe will as useful to all the new parents who are expecting their first child as it was for us when we were expecting ours. The issue of this helpful guide is a god-send to all new parents entering the new and challenging task of parenthood. Keep up the great work!
The Malta Kids Directory is the perfect parents handbook just waiting for you to open it up and take a look……. From conception, birth, school age to the teenage years this useful guide will dispel your parenting fears. With advice on childcare, activities, health and choosing the right school this compact guide is an indispensible family tool! So pick up a copy and don't hesitate to explore how parenting can be a thrilling journey that you'll adore! Keep up the excellent work in producing an excellent and informative website and publication!!!
I just discovered your directory through a friend. Thank you for the initiative to compile such a useful directory, especially in today's busy and hectic life. It's great that parents and guardians can seek information and advice in a comprehensive guide, intelligently put together. I also appreciate that you take the initiative to present the on-going activities on a regular basis as sometimes there are new events that not everyone is aware of. Finding something different to do, especially in the holidays, is always a headache for parents and its simply genius and a help to present these in your website. Keep up the good work!"
Dear editor, This is the first time that I have accessed your directory. I came across it by chance when I was searching for a list of Church schools in Malta. May I say that I am impressed by the thoroughness of your well-presented site. Apart from being user-friendly, this website reflects the best qualities of our local products: it is honest, lively, professional interesting and generous in its provision of information. Keep up the excellent work! I will definitely visit this website again. This site is an excellent source for the promotion of Malta and the Maltese. Thanks for providing this site for all families living in Malta and Gozo
May I take this opportunity to thank you all for providing a fantastic website for parents and all those great activities and opportunities for children to be creative and express themselves. Your wesbite helps us to make our children's childhood more memorable
Thanks for the fantastic website! It is obvious that a lot of hard work goes behind the scenes. I've accessed other websites recently but this one is the most up-to-date, uder friendly and informative one. The fact that you update regularly makes it more reliable and credible
Dear Editor, I've just got to know about this website. This is great! As a new mum-to-be I was given the colourful magazine at Mater Dei. Great idea! I am sure parents in Malta appreciate the effort that has been put into such a handy reference book. I was impressed that you covered every territory and its made me think about the journey of parenthood that we are about to embark on. It makes you think 'why hasn't anyone thought about this before?' yet you appreciate the hard work that goes behind this pocket-dictionary on being a parent in Malta! I didn't realise that there were so many aspects of parenting until I leafed through this book. Great presentation – I love the cover!! A big prosit to Lisa Grech, Denise Briffa and Crysta Darmanin for the excellent work put in!! Thanks
Dear Malta Baby and Kids Crew! I would like to tell you how come I have become a regular visitor to your website. I was browsing through the internet for information on childcare and local schools about a year ago. The website came up. Another time, I wanted ideas on possible outings. A friend of mine suggested your website. Yet again, last month, I wanted ideas on kids parties for my four year old. I searched on the internet, and hey presto! your website came up !! If this is not proof that your website is practical and indispensable, then, I don't know what is!! Everyone knows that being a parent is possibly the most difficult thing you can do but your website provides good, sensible advice and references that take the pressure off a parent's shoulders. So, yes, next time I will be the one who will pass off my good fortune at having found your website to a friend. You asked: Where is Popeye Village located? My answer: Popeye Village is located in Anchor Bay, Triq il-Prajjiet, Mellieha. (I accessed your link to the Popeye Village website for this info. That's how convenient it is – everything at your finger tips!!) Popeye's Village Malta, Anchor Bay was the perfect location for the construction of Popeye the movie where back in 1979, a huge filming project was event. I wish you all the best of success in the future, and I am sure you are proud of your hard work
What a fantastic website!! Really cool presentation and great information at your finger tips. I was browsing through the internet for information on childcare and I found your website very user friendly. I will definitely be visiting this website in the near future. I like the way the sections are divided – it is very practical for busy parents. Also, I like the way the information presented is geared at the whole family and not just aimed at addressing women. Both parents pay an active role in rearing children these days especially when both parents work. Your approach is very refreshing and positive
Dear Malta Baby and Kids Crew!! What a colourful, vibrant and great site! So refreshing and easy to find information. I was looking for pregnancy and birth related information for my daughter and your website came up. Great and useful tips, by the way! I think that this website will prove to be very useful and its one of its kind. The free copy at hospital is definitely a bonus for mums-to-be. Keep up the excellent work : I'm sure its appreciated by parents and grandparents in Malta
This publication keeps getting better and better as more companies, educational facilities, parents, teachers, retailers and any other professional person who is concerned in any way with the rearing, education or health care of a child will tell you. I myself have gotten to know about this Directory through word of mouth, which is sometimes the best form of advertising as others tell you their positive experiences. I tried to find out information regarding health issues for children. My wife and I were impressed on the easily-obtained references. Since these featured on such a well-maintained and up-to-date website, we could rely on the sources for health care, This is a very useful, and expertl y managed website and we recommend it to all parents or child carers. Keep up the excellent commitment as you are providing a service to all sectors of the community concerned with child welfare
I would like to thank you all for the positive portrayal of parenthood your website presents. It's not easy being a parent today. There are new challenges everyday as our childhoods were much simpler (or so we like to remember) and children today are growing up too fast. That's why the great ideas presented in your website give parents inspiration to make free time and holidays true quality time. In our fast-paced rat-race that has become our life, its good to see that a group of hard working people have banded together to create a website that helps unite families with fresh ideas of how to spend great moments together that all family members can treasure for years to come. We look forward to the events listed in 'What's On for Kids'as we can plan ahead. We have found your website to be very up to-date and interesting: its vibrant because of the hard work behind it
I am Rita Antoinette Borg, children's writer, storyteller and Creative Writing teacher. I've been thinking how to get my author name out to the mothers of Malta without spending too much money. When I received an email newsletter from Malta Baby and Kids, I decided to run a small ad in it. It worked. I have seen a large increase in both phone inquiries and sales, which has given me more name-recognition and more book selling and storytelling sessions. Give Malta Baby and kids (and ME!) a try. You'll be glad you did.
Hey guys! Great website you have going on line! I was referred to you by friends of mine about six months ago and it has proved to be a very useful tool. This is a fantastic and creative website to inspire parents and child carers to be better role models. Through fun activities with our kids we help them to bring out their potential and strengthen their characters so making better role models is vital for today's ever-changing and pressure-loaded society. This website is a pool of on-going ideas to make child rearing a fun and enjoyable experience for all concerned. I have never found this website to be lacking in originality : I have always found something, however trivial, of interest. In fact, I enjoy planning our family outings and school breaks by visiting your website.
Hi All! I've been going through your cool website and it's impressive how well together it is. This is a great tool to have if you're either a parent or involved in rearing or caring for children. I've visited this site almost every day for the past month since my friend told me about it. I congratulate you on this ingenious idea as it helps parents, children, educators and also business owners. By putting the welfare of children first you have also put all concerned in their welfare first. Thumbs up to you All! I love your entries for the front cover competition: very adorable entries
Dear Malta Baby and Kids Directory Team, I am very impressed by your well-presented, original and useful website. The internet is a powerful tool these days, and I, like many others, rely on it as the main source of information on the hectic world out there. May I take this opportunity to tell you how useful your fun website is. Thank you for making life just a bit easier for busy parents. We sometimes get caught up with our hectic lifestyles and don't have time to search well for quality. Your website has provided the best of the best at our fingertips and for this, I am grateful. I have found the sports activities section extremely helpful since I wanted to find a sports venue for my kids nearby. My colleagues and I were also looking for a gift for a colleague who had a baby and I found the right gift by using your parties section, under 'Baby Showers'. May I also take this opportunity to thank you for providing children with a creative platform to show their talents, which I think is beneficial for the deve lopment of their creativity and self-esteem. By the way, the pet entries for your competition were very cute and you must have had a hard time of it in choosing the winner! Finally, I wish you all many more years of success as the leading parenting experts on the Islands!
Hi Guys, Hey what a great site you have compiled here. I recommend it as it is user friendly and the guys behind it know their stuff. It' s refreshing to find a very interesting site aimed at helping parents guardians to raise children. I was really impressed with the article on the Sea Cadets as I did not know about this youth organization and had it not been for this website I probably would not have either. I will definitely be looking into this for my daughter so thanks for the idea! It is great to know that your website gives exposure for these voluntary organizations because of the great character formation our youths experience when they participate. Also, anyone who is raising a teenager knows that these organizations are necessary for them to develop into strong and mature adults and to socialize with youths with a good character. I also read your article on the 'Wave of Change' and this too is a great initiative to help young people respect our environment. So you see, this is a lively and fun website whilst being practical
Thanks for the well presented, colourful, practical and up to date website. We planned our son's party using the information we found on the website. Also when we wanted to check out sports venues options it was just at the touch of a button away, just like the many other child related issues/queries that we had.This is an educational website for parents! For once the practical hurdles of finding information for each stage of our children's progress is just at the touch of a button away! It's also fantastic how you involve children in the designing of this publication- it is creative!
This website is proof beyond any doubt that there are very talented and dedicated people out there with a serious mission to educate and provide practical information to anyone involved in raising kids and it is evident that these people are doing so because they believe that a good childhood raises strong adults with strong objectives. Thank you for your service to us parents.
"Hey guys! Just checking out your cool website. I must say that I am impressed with this easy to use , informative, concise website. I was searching for info and your website had the best up-to-date info and thus saved me tons of frustration and hassle. Can't thank you enough as other websites quoted contacts which are no longer used and I was at my wits end receiving emails that the emails used were no longer valid. Then I found the correct contacts on your website so you saved my day , and my sanity! "
My son and I were at the Malta Aquarium when you had the book launch and we asked about it and what the occasion was. I then accessed your website and found that you really do deserve to hold a party!Congrats to you all on achieving 13 years of success- you are a true inspiration to all working mothers! Well done!